My alarm (yes mine, as my husband does not respond when he sets one for himself but instead rolls over, turns it off and goes back to sleep until I wake him) went off at 730am this morning. I made my best groggy attempt at waking him only for him to say "okay" and go back to sleep. That's fine, I figure- It's fall and they actually slow down at work in the fall.
I had a lovely day planned for myself. Best friend gave me my birthday gift early. Best friend really is a lovely human being, for she understands the needs of the material deprived mommy quite well. She bestowed the gift of hair cutting and clothing upon me. Ahhh the haircut. For those of you who do not know, I had a baby boy in May- I can't imagine how you wouldn't be familiar with this information as I have mentioned him in EVERY single post thus far. (All three of them.) My weight isn't exactly coming off as I would like it to, so whenever I come to terms with my hugeness and need new motivation to lose said weight, I cut more hair off of my head. First time we cut twelve (yes, twelve) inches off so that my once halfway down to my dariair locks, reached just below my chin. Round two (today) I had them "Katie Holmes'd" above my chin and some layers just at my ears. The feeling of less hair on my head is wonderful. More hair gone, ten more pounds to lose I figure. (It didn't work last time, I don't know why I thought that it would work this time. Maybe next time- Third's a charm after all!)
At any rate, my hair appointment was at eleven just a few minutes away but I had MUCH to do prior to leaving the house. Today is bath day for the bear. So I sprung out of bed at 8am only to see that my teenie bear was still fast asleep in his crib. I went into my husbands and my room, got changed for the day, and then checked on him again- Still asleep. Now, Noah and I share a car. To my knowledge it had been arranged that his father would be picking him up for work again, and that I would be taking the car. My knowledge was wrong. As I contemplated waking my little, my husband informed me that he would not, in fact be picked up by Pop Pop, but that I would need to drive him. This was fine, and I muttered to him that it would be fine. I do not speak coherantly in the morning- So my "that's ok, it's too early to ask Jessie for a ride" probably came out in some dialect of Ozz-man. I swept the baby out of his crib and sat him in his carseat and began to buckle him in. As I was doing that, my husband came over with an "I love you good bye" kiss and walked out the door. I stood there stunned for about a minute and then decided to call my husband to find out exactly what had just happened. Misunderstanding. OK that's fine I figure. It's only nine and I wanted to leave by about ten. There was coffee to be picked up prior to meeting best friend at her house and then departing to the salon that awaited us. Noah came back with his Aunt and they drove off in the truck and I had the car... Ahhhh yes.
Bear got his bath painlessly. He loves bathtime. It's adorable. He cooes and chats and raspberries the entire time. I love the scrunched up little face that he makes as I rinse the soap off of his little noggin. We were done with all preparations by the time that ten o'clock rolled around, and so I packed up my little charmer, and we set out on our days journey. We got to Best Friend's at about twenty minutes past ten, and then left for the hairdressers at about fourty minutes past. Lots of hair to go, as I mentioned. Good good time had.
Next trip was to Franks for some food. We had salads and they were lovely. Next, to Walmart for pictures to be developed. That went quite easily, no screaming babies. Oh, one thing though. People love to touch babies. Strangers- Love to touch babies. I HATE that. One man walked up with a "Stogie" in his hand and dirt caked fingernails and moved his hands towards my son as we were walking in- I kept it moving, so he didn't get near enough to touch him- But really- THINK. I wish I could Lysol the world for my boy. Sickening.
Then for coffee and then back to Best Friends for the post shopping breastfeeding party. We both nurse our babies, so it's inevitable that when we get together we will have to nurse our children at least once. Usually much more often than that. That time went well and then we went on a walk. It was probably my favorite part of the day. It was just a pretty fall day with just the right amount of wind and blowing leaves. We stopped at a park area and took pictures of our wee ones, and then just admired the prettiness of the day.

Today is the first time this year that I really enjoyed fall. Typically I complain about it, and the moisture and then about how it's too cold, or about bugs, or just complain about something in general. But this year it was nice. I really do believe that it has something to do with having a baby now, and my best friend having hers as well. It makes everything brand new again- As though I am seeing bright red leaves in the breeze for the first time just like Xavier and Nora are.
Post park time, X and I headed out to Kohls for some clothing. Nice trip, however I do wish my little pooch were gone. I want someone to donate a tummy tuck to me like they did for Kate Goslin. Three shirts purchased, then I picked up supper and made my way home to see my hubby. Oh my love... <3
Grey's Anatomy is over, Noah is home and now I suppose it is time for me to head to bed. Tomorrow shouldn't be very busy- But who knows. There's always something : )
Keep fighting the good fight.
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