Monday, October 27, 2008


Oh to have a child. It is the most wonderful, miraculous, most fulfilling thing that a person can ever do. I truly believe this. However, the process by which this happens is not given justice in middle school and even high school sex-ed classes. Really. The things you go through- I am nauseated when I think about the 12-17 year old little girls that are taking part in this- as it is supposed to be- miraculous and self sacrificing event. I mean, I am 26 years old now, and there are times when I feel as though I was not prepared for everything I have and will be going through. Allow me to elaborate...

I can start at the beginning, but I will spare the awful terms and details by merely saying- Pregnancy is DISGUSTING. Pre-Birth and Post. It really is just revolting for Mommies and even (if it's possible to imagine the comparison) Daddies at times.

Friday was my birthday. I went to bed Thursday night healthy and excited about the next day. My husband and I were to go out for a REAL date night. Nice dinner and shoe shopping. Ahhhhh shoe shopping. Perhaps the most lovely part of this whole idea was that we would have the chance to be alone for several hours as Naner and Aunt Sarah would watch our son. I was delighted at the mere thought of being alone with my husband for an evening. DELIGHTED.

I woke up at approximately 2am to what could be nothing other than a high fever. As I sat up I felt a THROBBING and heaviness on my chest (yes, ON my chest- Particularly the upper, left side) the likes of which I have never felt before, to pair with the misery of a fever. Long story short, I had an infection. If you're a Mommy you KNOW what kind of infection I am referencing here. *shudders* Out of everything else that I had been through with pregnancy, amniocentesis, induction, 14 hours of labor, and a cesarean delivery, THAT infection was what briefly had me considering whether I really wanted more one day. That's the farthest I will go into detail on that one. Thanks to antibiotics and modern medicine I am nearly recovered.

Suffice it to say, we went out anyway. I fought tooth and nail to get a doctors appointment for that afternoon, swallowed some Tylenol, and distracted myself with the idea of being swept off of my feet again. Naner and crazy Aunt Sarah arrived around 630ish with a gift- A COFFEE MAKER! We didn't have one, and now we do. So wonderful! The evening turned out to be just wonderful. I don't have the words to accurately describe how I felt, but it was as though we were dating again. It was a dream =)

Saturday was a blur. I was ill all day, Sunday we went to my parents for birthday cake and lunch. It was lovely. I missed my Dad. Good old Jeff.

And now we are at Monday. Rainy icky day. Another doctors appointment to check on the booba and then home for a restful day with my husband and bear.

I can honestly say- I am in love with our life. The gift that is life... More on that to follow.... ; )

Like your mom in a pie eating contest-


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