So it's the first day with this thing. I suppose that I am suppose to write here?
I guess I can start with the whole idea of my blog. I think. A lot. Most of the time over the most insignificant things and magnify them in my own mind as being largely significant thus creating a whirlwind of issues in my own life and the lives of others. I suppose I am thinking that this is should help with that. If I can dump my thoughts in one place that does not impact the lives of others, how can I lay the burden of my own paranoid mind on others, right? I guess by paranoid I don't mean to say that I am mentally ill. I just like to think. No- I take that back. I hate thinking. I loathe and despise thinking. At least the way that I do it. Someone can say something so simple as "I like red more than you do." And this is where I may go with it:
"Do they really like red more than I? Have I done something to make them think that I do not like the color red more than they do? Are they upset with me that they are just trying to pick a fight over something as insignificant as a color? Maybe I'm wrong to like the color red. What have I done to upset them?"
It sounds QUITE silly. But really. That is where I go.
Soooo today was INSAAAANE! It started out lovely. My darling little boy, Xavier slept until a WONDERFUL 9:50am this morning. I woke up refreshed. More refreshed than usual because I had been ill in days prior, so I definitely needed to sleep in a bit to catch myself up and get everything done that I needed to finish today.
Last night Noah had volleyball. Our car was broken for what seemed to be WEEKS, so he had to take what we call "The Bingo Car". It's this beater that my husbands father's girlfriend owns (Mouthful right? Tell that to my son when he has to learn that one!) that we borrow as well as anyone else in their family, when their car "takes a dump". Well a friend of ours came by yesterday to fix our car, so my husband took the beater to volleyball, and I took our car to Giant to go food shopping. Food shopping is nice for two reasons. 1) I greatly enjoy cooking and when I go shopping, I get to exercise aforementioned joy in days to follow, and B) (Yes 1 and B) I get time to be out with normal people. I do take our son with me, but he is still so young and generally asleep for the duration of this trip. I got home and Noah was not home yet. Not cool. I got home about about 945pm which was around when I had expected him. 1030 rolls around and his father has called his phone as well as mine about 3 times, I am worried and rolling any and every possible circumstance through my mind and quizzing myself on how I will handle each and every one of these circumstances, preparing myself to have to act quickly and for any possible disaster. (This blogspot addy is "deepinmyownhead" for a reason. I can't get out!) About 11pm arrived and my husband walks in and I rush out to the kitchen to see him. He's hanging his head a bit low, so I was naturally concerned. I asked him what was wrong, all he said was "just life" and moseyed out to the bathroom to shower. I followed him proceeded to question him on the events of the evening. He then informed me that he had been pulled over for the headlight that is out on the bingo car, and how his license was apparently suspended. I felt horrible. Life has been rough on him over the past year, and this was just something else. He showered and we both went to bed early (for us) and then devised a plan for how we would tackle this situation together in the day to follow.
I told you that story to tell you this one. I was awaken from my rested splendor to two or three unread texts from my dear other asking me to call an agency (business with agency at the end) and find out how they could assist him in this situation. They told me everything that we would need to do, and I did complete all necessary tasks to make this as easy and painless as possible for my nerve beaten husband. Paperwork on the counter, by the car key ready to go. Baby asleep to prepare for the days journeys and I decide that I want to go out and visit my mother at work with her grandson. I'd been meaning to do this for WEEKS. I finally had the car, so I figured what the heck. So I pack up my little monster and off we go. Naner was excited to see her bear. I was happy to see her gush with pride as she carted him around her office. And so we left on our next endeavor. Now, my husband will give me money for an errand or two at times, and I always keep the change and store it- Where? Well that's still a secret! I grabbed my little stash as I had left this afternoon so as to purchase myself the mocha shake that I had been CRAVING for weeks now from the new Sonic that had opened. As I was driving to Naners work, I asked my husband if he wanted anything when he got home (after our errands) and all he said was "lasagna". My husband loves Italian food. Anytime that I have ever made anything Italian, he has asked for it again and again. And like I said before- I LOVE TO COOK. So it works. As I got off of the highway I looked to my right and saw the loveliness that awaited me, and decided to pick up the necessary ingredients for lasagna for my worn love. He works hard, he has had a rough year, if he is happy, I am happy. It was just the right thing to do. I pull into Walmart, grab cheese and leave. Easy enough? NEVER.
There are several things that bother me when I am driving... 1) Turning without a signal, 2) STOPPING at yield signs and 3) STOPPING at green arrows. All three of these would happen as I work my way towards my home where my husband would surely be waiting for me to arrive and drive off to have life taken care of. I get home- There's pop pop and Daddy pulling into the driveway as I am. We unload the boy, hand him to Pop, bring him inside, gather the necessary- Well I don't know what I was doing. I basically went inside and left. We left, and all was well and good in the Koch home yet again.
Post license redeeming I had plans with my very best friend to take her daughter, mine and her cousin Vicki through the corn maze at the farm down the road. Before this I had to prepare the lasagna to be eaten later that evening so that when I got home, it would just be slipped into the oven, avoiding the "Feed the baby, clean, cook and say good bye" rush. Lasa prepared, crisis averted. We went to the farm, it was lovely. Great time. Always is. I am certain that you will hear more about "best friend". Even better times, I'm sure : )
Busy day, but we accomplished a lot. I prefer those to the boring and slow ones. Slow days I feel as though I'm nearly useless. When I do work, clean, cook, go for walks- I feel as though my worth increases and that I am of some good use to this world- More particularly my husband. It's a flaw. Again, I can't get out of my own head.
Bed now. It's late. More adventures tomorrow, I am sure.
Peace and hair grease!