We moved from our little farm house. We were renting it, it was needed. End of story. We moved to a city with a charming bohemian atmosphere that my husband and I both adore. We found a home church, made some new friendships, and honestly, couldn't be happier. : )
Upon moving we found that we were expecting our next child. Shock? Somewhat. We had been trying, and were obviously aware that such things could happen. We had decided to stop trying, after moving and seeing what stressful things would then follow. My health was a mess, our identity had been stolen, and there were some family issues which needed attention, not to mention the all-too-well-known unplanned financial crisis. Long story short, and without going into details- Our baby did not survive. It was a hard thing to swallow at first, but I can rest only in knowing that God is ultimately in control. There is not one thing that I can look back at in my short life thus far, and view it as contrary to God's will. He knows me, He knows my heart and my husbands heart. He watches over us and has a plan for us. I trust that, more than I trust my actual existence on this Earth to be anything more than a dream.
Now that we've been reacquainted. I love my friends. Oh how I dearly love my friends. This week has been the first week or so that I have allowed myself to have them again, and I couldn't be more grateful. : )
Yesterday I went for a jog. Yes, you read correctly. A jog. At one point in time I loved to run. Miles and miles at a time. I ran for fun, because it didn't hurt, and it made me feel free. After having a little boy, I've come to hate running. I hate the pressure that I feel in my chest when I do it, and how my running stroller makes my wrists and forearms throb. If I wanted that I would get some free weights. I hate the cracking pain that I feel in my ears as the wind hits them. Unfortunate for me, however, I hate being uncomfortable in my clothes even more than those things. And so, commence the running. In order to force myself to follow through with my promise to myself to lose weight, I told my friend Abby that I would be running to her home for a short visit. It worked. I ran most of the way there, and then most of the way home. I did walk up the steep hills, and that was a temporary compromise I granted myself for running against my will. Yes, I said temporary. Within a week or so, I hope to be running UP aforementioned hills. Give me time, give me time. : )
Today I was able to spend some time with Jessie and her love of a daughter, Nora. We went to lunch, took the kids to run around in circles for a while, and then went back to her place for what was supposed to be nap time. No such napping occurred. The kids jumped and clowned around for the greater part of what was supposed to be nap time. Oh well, I say. They will sleep well tonight. : ) I am still getting to know this little blog situation, so I apologize for the disarray of the photos. I tried, and sadly don't have ample time to spend making them look nice. There is a chicken pot pie to be made. : )
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